Transport Managers CPC Training

Course content:

This OCR qualification consists of two modules, and is designed to be compliant with the CPC legal requirements demanded of transport managers.

  • Unit R1 – Core, 60 multiple choice questions in 2 hours with 70% pass mark
  • Unit R2 – Case Study, 5 to 8 questions answered long hand in 2 hour 15 minutes – pass 50% pass mark (exam open book).

The final day of the course coincides with the nationally held OCR board examinations. All examinations are taken quarterly in March, June, September and December, with a closing date for entries of four weeks prior to the exam date, and an approximate wait of 8 weeks for the results to be published.

Our prices include all tuition, manuals and examination fees, and are subject to VAT.

Course Information

We conduct Transport Manager CPC training, catering for owner drivers, named operator licence holders, and transport managers. This 10-Day (Freight Operation) course is run 4 times per year.


10 Day
4 times a year